physical and mental duality".
We use the term "transvestism" for a sexual deviation characterized by: (a) a desire to wear the dress of the opposite sex, and (b) (less often) a wish to be looked upon, and to be socially accepted, as a member of this sex. The name "transsexualism" is applied to those rare cases of transvestism, where, apart from both just mentione tendencies, there exists; (c) a persistent morbid urge to undergo a "conversion-operation," i, e. to have an anatomica i,e. "change" of the inborn sex.
(((ED. Note: There are certainly individuals who are homosexual, exhibitionists, fetishists etc. whose sex- ual orientation and/or behavior can properly be said to be"deviated" and who at the same time may like to wear clothes of the opposite sex; but to class TVism per se as a sex deviation is to simply overlook the proper use of english words. A definition should cover all man- ifestations of the subject defined and since there are lots of TVs who are totally heterosexual in interest and sexual activity it is rediculous to describe their interest in feminine attire as a "SEX" deviation when the sexual side of their life is perfectly "normal". Misconceptions and misuse of language like this is what causes so much heartache suffering and fear not only to the TV himself but to family and friends who are forced to think of him as something he probably is not.
Hirschfeld uses several different criteria in his cla ification of transvestites. Hence, although apparently elaborate and comprehensive, his division is complex and is not homogeneous: 1, "complete" transvestite, desiring to have his sex "changed" (corresponding to our transsex- ualist); 2, "partial" transvestite, with the tendency to cross-dress only (identical with our transvestite); 3. constant, 4, periodical transvestite; 5 transvestite in name (adopting a given name belonging to the opposite sex; 6 narcissistic, 7, homosexual, 8 bisexual, 9, "meta- tropic" transvestite, with an inverted love object (i.e., a male transvestite seeking the love of a mannish woman), and 10. "automonosexual" (autoerotic) transvestite.